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Best Places to Find Free Books Online


How much did you pay last time you bought a book? Books are expensive! Doesn’t it seem like every time you go to buy a new book, the prices have gone up? And if you’re a bookworm, buying a few books a month can put a serious dent in your budget. But thanks to the internet, you can download and read hundreds of thousands of books – from classics and fiction to non-fictions, biographies and everything in between – without paying a dime.

Who doesn’t love free stuff? We can’t help but get excited when we find new books to read, especially when they’re free books online that you can read immediately. If you’re looking for the best places to find free books online, then look no further! These incredible online resources will feed your reading habit without breaking the bank. Without further ado, here is our list of the best websites and apps offering free books online.

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What is the best site to read books online free?

If you have been looking for the best site to read books online free, the following websites are for you. Go through them and choose the one that is suitable for you to download and read books online.

1. The Open Library 

First up is the Open Library, a non-profit organization run by the California State Library. The Open Library is a global catalog for book metadata, aptly named because it encourages users to contribute to its resources. Hosting over  2 million digitized books, The Open Library is free and open to anyone, although some features require an account. Users can also personalize their experience with the site by creating reading lists, notes, a public profile, and compiling personal statistics about their reading. Anyone can contribute to the Open Library by sending books to be digitized by their parent organization, the Internet Archive.  

2. Project Gutenberg 

Offering over 60,000 eBooks, Project Gutenberg makes books for which the US copyright has already expired available. Project Gutenberg was founded in 1971 and is one of the oldest and most popular websites for free ebooks. The website is free and does not require a user account or additional plugin. Users can contribute to this fantastic source by helping to digitize, proofread, and format eBooks.

The website is run by a bunch of enthusiasts, who regularly encourage new users in the e-books’ creation and sharing experience. To attract critical mass, the books here are available in multiple formats: HTML, Kindle, ePub and good old-fashioned text formats. Project Gutenberg amasses a collection of over 45,000 free e-books

3. Open Culture

Open Culture is more academic in nature, thus there are more excellent reading materials for students. The collection is not huge, with approximately over 700 titles, which are slanted towards students. There is also an internal committee to scrutinize all books before being published. Even the fiction genre is restricted to classical works from William Shakespeare and Mark Twain for example.

4. PDF Drive 

PDF Drive is a search engine for books in PDF format. From self-development, health and fitness, and lifestyle to parenting, PDF Drive offers unlimited downloads for avid readers to enjoy. The site boasts over 75 million ebooks, magazines, and articles for users to preview before they download. Readers can even sign up for an email newsletter to receive notifications of top trending books. 

 5. ManyBooks 

Established in 2004, ManyBooks strives to provide a vast range of digital books to download for free. With something for everyone, ManyBooks offers classic and alternative books in interesting genres. The site also gives self-publishing authors a chance to introduce and promote their books, helping new and seasoned writers gain publicity. With new material added daily, ManyBooks is the ultimate place to download books for free.

ManyBooks has strong programming team that makes the free content appear seamlessly in your PDA, iPod or eBook Reader. Here you pick your ebook based on popularity, users recommendations, or reviews.

6. Feedbooks

Feedbooks does not require registration. The collection of books here tends to focus on fiction work. You can count on them if you are a fan of trusted names like Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, and Jules Verne. There are lots of titles available in PDF, EPUB and MOBI, which is a good decision as that means your content can go into virtually any device.

7. Free Computer Books 

Free Computer Books is a directory of links to specialist free ebooks from all over the world. Computer programmers, data scientists, and engineers will be in their element as they can access books and information for a range of computer-related topics. Free Computer Books provides resources for computer experts, newbies, and everyone in between, making it a valuable tool for all levels. 

This is another technology-laden website so expect everything technical (engineering, scientific, mathematics… you get the idea!).The website owner takes it upon himself to make sure everybody finds what he or she wants. Users can zoom in from 12 topics right into more than 150 subcategories.

8. Librivox 

If you want to download free audiobooks, look no further. Founded in 2005, Librivox offers over 18,000 audiobooks in 47 languages, making it the ideal place for audiobook fans to listen to their favorite books for free. The site is an audio volunteer project in which Librivox volunteers work hard to release high-quality recordings of classic books. As audiobooks are usually quite costly, downloading audiobooks from Librivox saves users money while giving back to the community.

9. Free Tech Books

As the name implies, this website is dedicated to engineering or IT related e-books. One thing that stands out here is that the site actually bothers to secure the legal right to its materials on distribution. So your download would be an entirely legitimate exercise, not to mention a free one as well.

The website does not have a specific name for e-books, they are used interchangeably with descriptions like lecture notes, monogram, text, document, etc

10. Freebooksy

Freebooksy has a habit of posting at least one free eBook a day. That said eBooks would remain available for download on that same day. Sometimes the website is generous enough to make the book available for a few more days down the road. The team behind Freebooksy has good taste and mixed interests. You can chance upon a really good read regardless of the sorts of genres you prefer.


Technology has touched and transformed almost every part of our lives, including how we read. eBooks are portable and convenient, allowing readers to expand their knowledge while on the go. Downloading eBooks is better for the environment and saves shelf space in our homes as one device can hold multiple books, letting readers enjoy books in clutter-free surroundings.

Moreover, most eBook websites allow users to search for new books by category, language, and cost, which helps to streamline the pursuit of new reading material. Now you can read books online for free and save money.

Also, if you know of any free book/ebook site that is not mentioned in this list, please leave a comment below and I will add it to the list.


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